Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Dienstag 06.12 Jungle Boldie (NL)

 / Maarten Ornstein (ts)
 / Tony Overwater (b)
 / Wim Kegel (dr)

 / Beginn 21:00 Uhr - Eintritt 8 Euro / 5 Euro ermäßigt

Jungle Boldie - wayward/idiosyncratic jazz, deeply rooted in different cultures and styles. 

Jungle Boldie is the latest incarnation of the musical friendship between saxophonist Maarten Ornstein, bassist Tony Overwater and drummer Wim Kegel. With over 20 years of shared musical journeys full of freedom, virtuosity and friendship, they come together to play new and exciting music. Their new CD is pure trio play; lighthearted, deep and always passionate.

Jungle Boldie, the name of the trio, represents the Jungle as a mystical place, a breeding ground, always subject to change, a challenging environment, while a home. Boldie represents the forwardness, the daring courage of these three musicians as they continue to innovate and develop.

The musicians met in 1985 at Royal Conservatory in The Hague  Here they started out as the Maarten Ornstein Trio. In 2000, under the name ‘Tony Overwater Trio’, they made an international breakthrough with their album ‘OP’ (a tribute to bassist Oscar Pettiford), winning the 2001 Edison Award for Best Dutch Recording.

Since 2005 Jungle Boldie has been collaborating with the Calefax Reed Quintet in a project called Far East Revisited. They released the CD ‘Ellngton Suites’ which was nominated for the Deutsche Schallplattenpreis. What began as a one-time collaboration for playing suites of Duke Ellington, grew into a leading ensemble in which jazz and contemporary music meet each other with music specially written by many Dutch and international composers.

Das Programm im Dezember

 / 06.12. Jungle Boldie (NL)
 / 13.12. Tina Ternär
 / 20.12. Volker Bruder Combo